How can a personal budget prevent you from getting into debt? A budget is a tool that helps all of us, whether you have plenty of money in your bank account or have financial problems all the time. A budget saves from getting into more financial difficulty because you will be monitoring expenses and cutting down unnecessary costs. Some […]
Bookkeeping checklist The requirement is to create a bookkeeping checklist to have a piece of mind and to sleep at night. As money is the lifeblood of any business, accounting tools and bookkeeping must be adequately maintained daily, monthly, and annually. If not, you will also lose all your money and […]
Budgeting & Costs. There fixed, and variable costs in a business and there are also direct and indirect costs. Direct costs involved in the production of products and variable expenses used in the general running of the company. Fixed and variable costs The variable costs will vary according to the level […]
Description for my online course Beginners Bookkeeping I am Vathani Ariyam the author of this course “ Beginners Bookkeeping” worked in the accounting sector for a long time. Therefore I am aware of the use of accounting procedures in a business and created this online course for the entrepreneurs. Implementing proper […]
The Accounting Equation Any entrepreneur running a business or anyone planning to start a company must learn about the accounting equation as it affects any significant business to small corner shops, especially when it comes to tax filing times. Therefore essential to know the basic concepts of financial reporting as an […]
Maintain the Quality of Useful Financial Reports When implementing an accounting system, an entrepreneur needs to make sure the financial report is helpful to everyone. The accounting system should produce information that benefits you and the people who are interested in your business. If you want to get a loan or […]
The accounts of credit customers. Any business needs a proper accounting system to become successful in the long run, whether selling goods on credit or cash. You have to record credit transactions as the ownership of the goods passes immediately to your customer when you make sales. Then you will raise […]
Presenting Business Plans: Why People Feel Nervous and What You Can Do About It *Are you trying to set up a business? Alternatively, are you trying to expand your business? If you think your bank will accept your excellent verbal idea of your business, that must be correct. You will have […]
Ways to Reduce Tax problem for Your Small Business The owners of small businesses and the freelancers become terrified of the tax liability when it comes to filing the tax return. When starting a small business, you must be aware of the tax liability and possible claims for your expenses. Implementing […]