The Help in Using Business Credit Card

The Help in Using Business Credit Card Is a business credit card helpful? ‘Yes’ -is the answer that comes out almost immediately? That is true, at least for most businesses (tiny businesses). Before we delve deeper into how business credit cards are helpful, let’s try and understand what a business credit […]

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Show yourself the money

Show yourself the money. You cannot start a business without capital. Determine what you have, need, and how you will get it. If you plan to seek investor funding or financing, start writing a business plan and practice your pitch. Research the costs associated with your business. Know how much money […]

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How do the successful businesses avoid such difficult times?

How do successful businesses avoid such difficult times? These businesses maintain a meticulous cash flow system, checking and balancing daily, and take enough care when dealing with cash by qualified personnel. They use cash flow management skills. You are a small new business, and if you desire to move forward, you […]

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Managing Cash Flow”

Course Description I am the author of this online course, “Managing Cash Flow,” a valuable course for small business owners and students who want to study accounting courses. Suppose you plan to set up a small business better to create a cash flow statement even before the company’s start-up. In that […]

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How do you construct cash flow?

How do you construct cash flow?  The cash flow statement provides valuable information about the company, such as gross income, payments, and insight into future revenue. A cash flow statement has three sections for operating, investment, and financial activities. Most businesses prefer a direct method to prepare a cash flow statement […]

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What is a budget variance analysis?

What is a budget variance analysis? What is a budget variance analysis? A budget is done for a business to monitor the company’s profitability on an annual basis. So, at the start of every financial year, a new budget is done for that year and compared with the actuals in the […]

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Organize a suitable accounting structure for your business.

Organize a suitable accounting structure for your business. How you operate your business and accounting for all the business transactions will give you satisfaction in running a business; if not will make you feel empty when you don’t know the results of your business achievements. The results mean the month-end accounting […]

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Credit transactions and suppliers accounts

Credit transactions and suppliers’ accounts What is a credit transaction? When you sell your goods, allow your customer to pay later according to your credit agreement. Suppliers account Maintain records for the goods sold to your customers to avoid missed payments or exceeding the credit agreement periods. All this time, […]

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Classification of accounts

Classification of accounts Reasons for classifying the accounts. People think that accounting for a small business is easy, that is, to calculate the income, deduct the total expenses, the leftover id s, your profit, and your asset. That is not the proper way to account, and you need to give detailed […]

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