The Help in Using Business Credit Card
Is a business credit card helpful?
‘Yes’ -is the answer that comes out almost immediately? That is true, at least for most businesses (tiny businesses). Before we delve deeper into how business credit cards are helpful, let’s try and understand what a business credit card is.
The business credit card has few exceptions.

Put, It is a credit card owned by a company, not an individual. To understand this better, you can only draw an analogy between the business credit cards and business bank accounts, which are also in the name of the firm. Other than that, these cards work similarly to personal credit cards, with a few exceptions. These exceptions are in the form of flexibility in credit limit, low APRs, and other additional benefits available to these cards only.
Easier for business accounting
Even from just that, business credit cards seem a reasonable proposition. However, these cards would be attractive without those benefits because the main interest lies elsewhere. The big-big use of a business credit card is realized regarding business expense accounting. For most small businesses, business expense accounting is a significant overhead. With these cards, this is handled very quickly – you must ensure that you make all your business expenses on your card and let the personal costs be on your credit card, i.e., the segregation of business and personal expenses is all you need to do.
The Help in Using Business Credit Card
Bills for these cards have all business expenses.
Therefore, the invoice for your card will have all the business expenses on it, and you wouldn’t need to collate all the various bills or sort out the items from your credit card bill. The key here is to make sure that you use your card for all your business expenses (or as much as you can). Moreover, many card suppliers realize this need for small businesses and even organize the card bills in a way that meets the accounting requirements of these companies. So mostly, they will appropriately group the expenses on the corporate credit card bill to facilitate business expense accounting.

Credit card statements are exported to accounts packages.
Some of the firm credit card suppliers provide the statements in a format that can be downloaded and exported to an accounting system, i.e., you don’t need to enter the data manually in your accounting system. If the format is unsuitable for your accounting system, you can hire a software professional to write a small quick program to convert it into an appropriate size. Even a bookkeeper can help you upload these statements into accounts packages like QuickBooks, Xero, and others out there.
Having a credit card also makes accounting easy and helpful to fund your business. The only issue to keep your expenses within your budgeted limits is to keep your expenditure under control.